Planning and implementing
About Mathias Fischer

Mathias Fischer
Completed degree as a graduate cultural scientist
(Film, literature, art, philosophy, politics, journalism)
in Göttingen and Hildesheim, Germany.
Media and business consultant since 2004
Press relations / media relations / public relations.
Crisis communications.
CEO communication / stakeholder management.
Further focus areas
Management, project control, format development, TV/video production, marketing & sales.
Media convergence, digital workflow optimisation at the editorial/technical interface, mobile TV, App TV to IPTV/Smart TV, DVB-T, ‘MonA TV’.
Prior positions
Positions with high responsibility in front of and behind the camera for SAT.1, RTL Television and NDR Television channels.
Press spokesperson and Head of the International Broadcasting Centre (IBC) and the Electronic Media department at the World Exposition EXPO2000.
Director of Broadcasting for TV Travel Shop Germany.
Press and public relations
- Full service or advisory service: Contact person for your company/organisation to communicate messages you want to see placed in the media effectively and precisely.
- Image maintenance and media relations, creation of press releases, implementation and management of press conferences.
- Planning, execution, moderation of press events and discussion.
- Interviews/original sound clips in front of camera and microphone.
- Writing speeches, planning/optimising your company’s communications strategies, and positioning your CEO in the media.
- Training sessions on how to effectively create media events or how to enhance the media perception of cumbersome topics.
Crisis communications
- Implementation of clear communication structures and strategies in cases of crisis.
- Calming, de-escalating, and/or tackling of challenging or threatening scenarios.
- Situation-appropriate action with constructive, long-term, image-preserving media.
- Responding to media inquiries and controlling social media.
- Formation of crisis team including communication consulting and cooperation.
- Concept development and training for the production of crisis-proof preparation channels and defensive measures.
Project development, project implementation
- Drafting, budgeting, licensing, developing and implementing your media.
- From events to broadcasting studios, from industrial and image films to channel development, from editorial teams to technical planning, from production to broadcasting, from programme planning to marketing and sales.
Programming, format development
- Consulting and development of your broadcasting programme. Format development and customisation to accommodate target group.
- Planning contents and processes of articles, magazines and broadcasts.
- Consultation, introduction or optimisation of digital workflows in editing and technology.
- Relevance training for identifying, defining and selecting news-worthy information.

Studies at the Universities of Göttingen and Hildesheim
Film, literature, philosophy, art, politics, and journalism with a degree in cultural studies.

Since 1983
in the media sector: Daily newspaper traineeship and editorial work, Hessische/Niedersächsische Allgemeine (Hessian newspaper), Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung (Hannover newspaper).
Subsequently switched to television.
Positions with high responsibility in front of and behind the camera for SAT.1, RTL Television and NDR Television channels.

Other positions
Since 2004, owner of Fischer media consultancy (Fischer-Medienberatung). Media and communication projects, press/public relations, public affairs, crisis management, communication strategy development as well as CEO communication and business consulting.
TV and radio project development: Business case, licensing, editing, technology, marketing & sales, mobile media, Web–/IP TV / mobile TV, DVB-T, DVB-H, DAB. DVB-T television platform ‘MonATV’.

Press spokesperson / corporate communications at TenneT TSO GmbH Germany. TenneT is a leading European grid operator and designs, builds, maintains and operates around 24,000 km of high-voltage electricity grid in the Netherlands and large parts of Germany. TenneT is one of the largest investors in national and international onshore and offshore electricity grids, with a turnover of EUR 4.5 billion and a total asset value of EUR 27 billion. 5,700 employees take ownership, show courage and make and maintain connections to ensure that the supply and demand of electricity is balanced for over 42 million people.

Director of Broadcasting for the first German travel sales programme TV Travel Shop Germany. First TV station in Germany using digital workflow in editing and technology with tapeless production.

Press officer and head of the communications department ‘Electronic Media’ at the World Exposition EXPO2000 and the International Broadcasting Centre (IBC).

The first private TV newscast for Hannover and the region as well as the app ‘Hannover News in 100 Seconds’.

STUDIO PARK ‘KinderMedienZentrum’ (Children‘s Media Centre): Planning and set-up, busines scase and initial marketing of the television studio and children’s media centre for the children’s channel KiKa of ARD/ZDF and MDR Thüringen in Erfurt (Germany).

MCS Thüringen: Consulting in TV format development, editorial processes, concepts for newsroom and content management.

Managing Director of RegioOnline GmbH. RegioOnline operates as a platform company in digitally convergent media markets of television, internet and mobile communications (‘MonA TV’).
Other corporate focus areas in multimedia as well as app and web development.